Kamis, 14 November 2013

Watch The Bird People in China (1998) Full HD


Wada (Masahiro Motoki), a salary man, is enlisted to venture off to China to investigate a potential Jade mine. After his arrival, Wada encounters a violent, yet sentimental, yakuza (Renji Ishibashi), who takes the liberty of joining his adventure through China. Led on their long and disastrous journey to the mine by Shen, the three men come across something even more magical and enticing...

Movie details The Bird People in China

Release : 1998-06-10
Genre : Adventure, Drama, Indie, Foreign
Runtime : 118 minutes
Company : Excellent Film, Sedic


Masahiro MotokiasWada
Renji IshibashiasUjiie
Mako IwamatsuasShen
Li Li WangasSi-chang Yan
Michiko Kichiseas
Yuichi Minatoas
Tomohiko Okudaas
Manz Shinraas

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